Wireless Identity Federation Association https://cityroam.jp

The Wireless Authentication Federation Association promotes the dissemination and awareness of a secure and highly convenient public Wi-Fi service called “Cityroam (OpenRoaming).” The association also provides an authentication federation platform that allows users to securely exchange authentication information, enabling a seamless Wi-Fi roaming environment across multiple service providers.
Launched in June 2018, Cityroam is a Wi-Fi roaming federation that facilitates secure, automatic connections to public Wi-Fi services in various facilities and urban areas. With “Cityroam (OpenRoaming),” users don’t need to configure settings or sign up for each location. By having just one account, they can seamlessly use Wi-Fi in a variety of locations, including municipal spots, railways, universities, commercial facilities, and accommodations, both domestically and internationally.
We provide an environment at the exhibition venue where you can actually try out “Cityroam (OpenRoaming).” We will also guide you on how to join our association, which enables the provision of the “Cityroam (OpenRoaming)” service.