
Kyoto Smart City Expo 2024
Main Theme
Regions and industries that create a peaceful and sustainable future
– Creating a “Meta-Comfort” smart society –
October 3 (Thu) to 4 (Fri), 2024
Keihanna Open Innovation Center (KICK)[ Seika/Nishi-Kizu area of Kyoto Prefecture ]
Exhibitions:Smart city and food tech companies, international pavilions, Keihanna Expo 2025 special exhibition, etc.
Speeches:Symposium, Seminars, Start-up Pitch Contest, etc.
Networking:Reception, Exhibitors networking event, Booth tours, Roundtables, etc.

Online "VR Exhibition" will be held from before to after the expo.

Admission Fee
Free (Registration required)
Organizing Committee of Kyoto Smart City Expo
Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto City, Kyotanabe City, Kizugawa City, Seika Town, Barcelona City Council, Fira de Barcelona, Embassy of Spain Economic and Commercial Office Tokyo, Embassy of Denmark, Japan Spain Business Cooperation Committee, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kyoto Industrial Association, Public Foundation of Kansai Research Institute, Kyoto Chiesangyo Sozonomori, Kyoto Industrial Support Organization 21, Advanced Scientific Technology & Management Research Institute of KYOTO, Kyoto Convention & Visitors Bureau, Internet Association Japan, Keihanna Interaction Plaza Incorporated
Cabinet Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Gov. of Japan), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Gov. of Japan), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(Gov. of Japan), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Gov. of Japan), Ministry of the Environment (Gov. of Japan), Digital Agency (Gov. of Japan), National Governors' Association, Japan Association of City Mayors, National Association of Towns and Villages, The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kansai Economic Federation, Kyoto Association of Corporate Executives, Japan External Trade Organization (Osaka Office), Urban Renaissance Agency (West Japan Branch)
Previous KSCE
Outline of Previous KSCE